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The Morning Ritual: Celebrating Coffee on International Coffee DAY

Coffee plant
V60 Metod
Cafe espresso

That first sip of coffee in the early morning signals the start of a new day, a cherished ritual in my daily life. As soon as I open my eyes, the rich aroma of freshly brewed coffee fills the air, creating a warm, inviting atmosphere that gently calls me to begin the day. If you’re like me, you probably can’t imagine starting your day without a cup in hand. For me, it’s a sacred moment. I switch on the coffee maker, trusting its familiar hum to bring me to full wakefulness. Whether it’s a shot of espresso, a brew from a French press, or a drip coffee, each method brings its own unique touch to the coffee’s character. As the beans are ground, the aroma that fills the kitchen reminds me of the deep connection I have with this daily ritual. The morning light filters in through the window, and as my anticipation grows, I wrap my hands around the warm cup, savoring that first, blissful sip.

Coffee and almond croissant
Cafetería Nescafé Dolce Gusto – Santiago de Chile

Every October 1st, we celebrate International Coffee Day, a time to recognize and appreciate the hard work of coffee farmers, producers, and roasters who make our love for coffee possible. These skilled professionals—including sommeliers and baristas—work together to bring out the best qualities in every bean. Whether it’s the bright acidity and fruity notes of Arabica, or the bold intensity of Robusta, each type of coffee has its own unique story. By supporting sustainable and fair-trade practices, we can ensure these workers are fairly compensated, as their dedication is the backbone of our coffee experience.

Coffee bean harvesting – Coffee Axis, Colombia.
Coffee cherries
Drying Process of Coffee Beans.

Coffee roasting process 

Today, I invite you to awaken not just your body, but your senses too, by exploring all the ways coffee can be enjoyed. Whether you’re savoring an espresso, a latte, a cappuccino, or an Americano, each cup is a chance to indulge in something special.

So, let’s celebrate by visiting local coffee shops and supporting the businesses that keep these traditions alive, fostering a deeper connection with the people who grow and produce the coffee we enjoy every day. Take a moment to truly savor each sip, turning it into a ritual that not only energizes you but also nourishes your soul.

Café & Mía 🐱

Ice late



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